If you have any information that might help us find Laura, please e-mail findlauravogel@gmail.com or call the Maui police at (808) 244-6400 or the private tip line at 1-888-524-0218. Thanks to those who have shared what they know already. Your efforts are making a real difference for Laura and thousands of people who care about her.
There have been thousands of visits to this blog, and the "Find Laura Vogel" Facebook page has thousands of fans. The more people who know about Laura's case, the more likely we are to find out what happened to her. Please help raise awareness of Laura's disappearance by sharing this blog and inviting people to become Facebook fans.
On the ground in the area where Laura was last known to be, friends and neighbors continue to search for any sign of Laura. Efforts to search nearby sea caves are also underway. Brave and dedicated searchers are leaving no stone unturned (or cliff unscaled) in their quest to find Laura.
Laura's story continues to be covered by local and national media, which is also very helpful in raising awareness of Laura's disappearance. For a list of stories with information about the search for Laura, see Media Coverage of Laura Vogel Case.
The Vogel family is extremely grateful to all those who have donated to the Find Laura Vogel Fund. Your contributions are critical to funding the ongoing search for Laura.
It's clear that widespread love for Laura is fueling the crusade to find her in many ways. Mahalo!!!
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